October 2023 Newsletter

**** The 4specs Perspective

Who Makes Which Product Decisions?

It is important that every member on the manufacturer's team understands the product decision process as the buildng design progresses. This includes the president, sales and marketing managers, the outside and inside sales reps and even the web designer. All of their decisions affect the information the architect and specifier sees and uses.

The Construction Specification Institute (CSI) is a membership organization with members across the entire design team, manufacturer team and contracting team.

CSI has a credential program that supports this learning and understanding - the CDT - Construction Document Technologist:

Many local CSI Chapters have study groups you can join to learn more.

I also recommend learning this information through Phil Kabza's CDT One Day at a Time. Phil is an independent specifier that writes manufacturer specifications and is a SCIP member. Here is his info:
Resources for CSI Certification Study - SpecGuy

Another great resouce to learn about the design and specification process is the series of 4specs newsletters about Getting Specified:
Getting Specified (4specs.com)

Contact me if you have any questions or suggestions.



Colin Gilboy
Publisher - 4specs
Contact us