June 2021 Newsletter

What Makes a Problem Website

**** The 4specs Perspective

Many of our past newsletters have focused on specific problems in website design. This newsletter will list some of the problems we see. I will start by using the Figueras Group website as an example.

There are lots of other examples of website problems I have noted and saved. Here are a few:

Think of your website as a 3-ring binder in an architect's office and make it easy to find and use your product information. The solution to a "glossy brochure" website is a simple target page to provide the specifier and architect quick access to the design information they need. Here is an example of a profile page developed by 4specs. This can be developed and hosted on your current website or 4specs can develop and host the page.

Questions, comments and suggestions are always appreciated.



Colin Gilboy
Publisher - 4specs
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