November 2020 Newsletter

Does Your Web Site Design Support Architects and Specifiers?

**** The 4specs Perspective

Does your web designer (and marketing department) understand the design and specification process for commercial construction?

One advertiser recently asked me about ROI (return on investment) for advertising on 4specs. I responded that you cannot track a website click to a product sale 4 years later and 5 states away. In my opinion there is no way to evaluate ROI based on website clicks and sales.

4specs has been running a survey to help manufacturers understand how to best support being specified using the Internet and their website. You can see the results here:

When I started writing this newsletter there were 237 total responses. I plan to update the pdf file as more responses come in. The information below is as of October 12, 2020 results.

The key results I want to focus on in this newsletter are these responses:

  1. What size screen do you use for your design ideas and product research?
    • Computer - Desktop or portable Usually = 99%
    • Smartphone - Almost Never = 52%; Seldom = 25%
    • Tablet - iPad or other - Amost Never = 60%; Seldom = 18%
  2. Which Social Media do you use for for new product introductions and product research?
    • LinkedIn - Almost Never = 62%; Seldom = 18%
    • Facebook - Almost Never = 90%; Seldom = 6%
    • Twitter - Almost Never = 91%; Seldom = 5%
  3. Help us understand your role in the design process
    • Full time specifier (including SCIP) = 49%
    • Project Architect/Project Manager = 40%

Ask yourself the following questions about your website:

Next month's newsletter will discuss the difference between Full-time Specifiers and Project Architects on
   (1) the resources they use to find product information and
   (2) the information they want to find on your website.

Questions, comments and suggestions are always appreciated.



Colin Gilboy
Publisher - 4specs
Contact us