Site Reviews - Do It Yourself!

I have offered to review advertiser web sites and this is an outline of what I am looking for when I review a site. You can do this yourself or ask your web designer for their input and comments.

My objectives for your site are two fold:

  1. Make your site easy to navigate and easy to use for our specifier and architect users.
  2. Get as many referrals from the search engines as possible, for free.

Consider this article from Jakob Nielsen as a good starting spot - a well known and often cited as an expert on website usability. His article is entitled - Fix the Basics First.

I like these sites as examples to demonstrate that sites that work well need not be unattractive. These sites are not perfect on a detailed review, but may provide you guidance and ideas as to what I think works.

Here are the points I look for.

Feedback is always appreciated.


Colin Gilboy
Publisher - 4specs
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