May 2016 Newsletter

**** The 4specs Perspective

What's Next for Your Website?

This month I link out to three articles I think will be of value to our "specified product" manufacturers and marketing managers.

30 quick and easy SEO tips for small businesses
"For the uninitiated, SEO can seem to be a complex and foreign landscape, but it doesn't have to be too complicated. Indeed, there's a lot that small businesses (and anyone) can do without any great SEO knowledge, and without spending too much money.
"Who is your typical online customer? What are they looking for? How do they spend their time online? What kind of content do they like to consume? When you completely understand your audience, you will understand what you need to do online to grab their attention."

The 4specs audience and your audience is very different than a typical consumer website - and yet the same questions are useful to understand your audience's needs.

Page Speed Issues Overview for SEO
Page speed again, and again. It is very important and many sites are still very slow or have other problems such as lots of images and multiple CSS and javascript files that must be downloaded before the page is visible.

Wordpress Speedbooster Pack
Even if you do not use Wordpress article will discuss many of the speed problems mentioned just above. This article will be useful for many managers to ask better questions of your web developer team.

What's the difference between responsive, adaptive and mobile-friendly sites?
If you decide to make your website mobile friendly, understand the difference between the types of designs.

Feedback, comments and suggestions always appreciated.



Colin Gilboy
Publisher - 4specs
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