08 3440 - Radiation Protection Doors


AMBICO lead-lined steel doors and frames are designed to meet virtually all radiation protection applications while maintaining the appearance of hollow metal products. Available in singles or pairs, as fire rated (UL or WHI) to 3 hours or non-fire rated in swing or slide configurations. Products are readily available in mild steel or stainless steel, or as wood doors. Lead supplied in thicknesses ranging from 1/64" to over 1" thick.

Karpen Steel Doors

Karpen Steel Custom Doors & Frames
Quick-ship manufacturer of 12, 14, 16, & 18 gauge hollow metal doors and 12, 14 & 16 gauge hollow metal frames, temperature rise doors, wood-grained doors, dutch doors, acoustic assemblies, lead-lined doors and frames, pocket door frames, 2-piece slip frames, elevator sub-buck and shadow line frames, round top doors and frames, gothic arch frames, and more.


Lead-lined metal and wood veneer doors and hollow metal frames manufactured to have an equal appearance to architectural-designed doors and frames for medical X-Ray, PET or CT scan rooms in hospitals and doctors' offices. Our doors are designed and constructed with the highest quality craftsmanship and materials available. Variety of thicknesses are available.


Designed, manufactured, installed to maximize patient throughput and personnel safety – used in new vault construction or existing room upgrades. Swing door system includes steel frame, steel-faced door, shielding materials, operator, and hinges. Optional safety features and door finishes available. Sliding door system includes steel-faced door, shielding materials, support / rail system, operator, safety features.


Ray-Bar Engineering Corp.
manufacturer of x-ray protection and radiation shielding materials for over 80+ years: lead-backed gypsum wallboard, lead-lined wood and hollow-metal doors, neutron shielded doors, x-ray lead glass control windows. Applications include medical, x-ray, radiation and nuclear.


UltraRay Radiation Protection stocks a variety of radiation shielding standard-sized doors, frames and lead thicknesses, providing continuous, leak-free protection. All doors and frames can be customized to meet specifications for X-Ray, Gamma, PET/CT and any other nuclear application, including motorized for NDT/NDE, Linear Accelerator and heavy weight applications. Engineering services are available.

Vancouver Door

Vancouver Door Co.
Pacific Northwest manufacturer. Fire rated "20 minute single", sound control, institutional and custom doors for your specific requirements. The construction of our lead-lined doors provides optimum shielding and durability for the life of the door. All our doors are constructed to extra heavy duty performance levels.

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See also:
08 3446 - Radio Frequency Shielding Doors
08 8860 - Leaded X-Ray Glass
09 2960 - Lead-Lined Gypsum Wallboard
13 4900 - Radiation Protection more for systems and high intensity protection


AMBICO lead-lined steel doors and frames are designed to meet virtually all radiation protection applications while maintaining the appearance of hollow metal products. Available in singles or pairs, as fire rated (UL or WHI) to 3 hours or non-fire rated in swing or slide configurations. Products are readily available in mild steel or stainless steel, or as wood doors. Lead supplied in thicknesses ranging from 1/64" to over 1" thick.

Karpen Steel Doors

Karpen Steel Custom Doors & Frames
Quick-ship manufacturer of 12, 14, 16, & 18 gauge hollow metal doors and 12, 14 & 16 gauge hollow metal frames, temperature rise doors, wood-grained doors, dutch doors, acoustic assemblies, lead-lined doors and frames, pocket door frames, 2-piece slip frames, elevator sub-buck and shadow line frames, round top doors and frames, gothic arch frames, and more.


Lead-lined metal and wood veneer doors and hollow metal frames manufactured to have an equal appearance to architectural-designed doors and frames for medical X-Ray, PET or CT scan rooms in hospitals and doctors' offices. Our doors are designed and constructed with the highest quality craftsmanship and materials available. Variety of thicknesses are available.


Designed, manufactured, installed to maximize patient throughput and personnel safety – used in new vault construction or existing room upgrades. Swing door system includes steel frame, steel-faced door, shielding materials, operator, and hinges. Optional safety features and door finishes available. Sliding door system includes steel-faced door, shielding materials, support / rail system, operator, safety features.


RayBar Engineering Corp.
manufacturer of x-ray protection and radiation shielding materials for over 80+ years: lead-backed gypsum wallboard, lead-lined wood and hollow-metal doors, neutron shielded doors, x-ray lead glass control windows. Applications include medical, x-ray, radiation and nuclear.


UltraRay Radiation Protection stocks a variety of radiation shielding standard-sized doors, frames and lead thicknesses, providing continuous, leak-free protection. All doors and frames can be customized to meet specifications for X-Ray, Gamma, PET/CT and any other nuclear application, including motorized for NDT/NDE, Linear Accelerator and heavy weight applications. Engineering services are available.

Vancouver Door

Vancouver Door Co.
Pacific Northwest manufacturer. Fire rated "20 minute single", sound control, institutional and custom doors for your specific requirements. The construction of our lead-lined doors provides optimum shielding and durability for the life of the door. All our doors are constructed to extra heavy duty performance levels.